




Gotham S4EP11 Queen Takes Knight

Dear, oh, dear.
Oh.Good morning, Officer.
My name is Alfred Pennyworth.
Man:Neighbors called in a noise complaint.
He's all yours.
Alfred:Thank you.
Good morning, Master Bruce.
I do believe the party's well and truly over.
Morning, miss.
Good morning, miss.



Alfred:Pleasant night, Master Bruce?
Bruce:There's a mess in the Rolls.

You'll need a bucket.



Alfred:Oh, the front page is up.
Didn't expect you to brave the light of day for a couple more hours, Master B.
Bruce:Tommy wanted to go to the horse races.
What's all this?
Alfred: It's little project of mine.
I like to call it Operation Save Bruce Wayne.
Few months up in the Alps, you'll be tickety-boo.
Bruce:Are you going to kidnap me?
Alfred:No, I'm gonna appeal to your better angels.
And if that doesn't work, I shall beg.
Please, Master Bruce.
If for no other reason, do it for me.
Bruce:These past weeks, you know how much I've thought about Ra's al Ghul?
About my parents?
Not at all, Alfred.
All you're offering me is pain.
Alfred:Well, there is no life without pain.
There's no love, there's no joy.
Bruce:I don't know about that.
I'm having a fair amount of joy.
Alfred:You're bloody miserable is what you are, mate.
I can see it.
Bruce:Alfred, I know you care about me.
But I'm asking you to stop what you're doing.
I'm not who you thought I was.
I'm not who my parents might've wanted me to be, and I'm okay with that!
Alfred:But I'm not okay with it.
And I don't believe it.
Bruce:And that's your problem.
Now I'm gonna go meet Tommy.
Alfred:I can't let you do that, Master Bruce.
Bruce:You gonna stop me?
Alfred:If needs be, yes.
Bruce:You really think you can?
Alfred:Oh, I know I can.
I just don't want you to make me try.
Alfred:Don't do this, Master Bruce.
Bruce:No, Alfred, we're doing this.
Alfred:You're getting slow, Master Bruce.
You haven't been training, have you, son?
Got a bit of ring rust.
Because you're the only one breathing hard, old man.
Alfred:Just stop it, will you?!
Stop it!
Alfred:All right?
Alfred:Oh, no.
Master Bruce, I'm so sorry.
I-I don't know what came over me, mate.



Alfred:Oh, thank Christ.
You're safe.
Master Bruce, listen.
I don't want to fight anymore.
You win.
If this is how you want to deal with what you've been going through, then so be it; I'm not gonna try and stop you.
But just know this.
You will remember who you are, and when you do, I will be right here.
You won't be.
I went to my lawyer and had him draw up emancipation papers.
You're no longer my legal guardian.
Alfred:I won't sign 'em.
You don't have to.
Now I'm going out.
If you're still here when I get back, I'll go to the police and show them my face.
Alfred:Master Bruce, please.
Bruce:Alfred, you're fired.
Now get the hell out of my house!


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