




S4EP14 Reunion

Alfred:Thank you.
Bruce:Thank you for meeting me.
My parents' foundation is having their annual dinner tonight.
I thought we'd go.
Alfred:Somehow, I don't think you called me all the way down here to talk about a fundraiser, did you?
Bruce, what exactly...
is it that you want from me?
Figuring this out.
I can't do it alone.
Alfred, I need your help.
Alfred:Listen, you can't just waltz back in here and expect me to go and clean your smalls and cook your tea, after what you've done.
Bruce:Alfred, I'm not asking for that.
I've changed.
Alfred:Oh, you have, have you?
See, it's one thing saying that you've changed and another actually changing.
show me.
Show me how you've changed, I might reconsider.
Bruce:Show you how?
that's for you to figure out, isn't it?
Bruce:I'm asking...
as a friend.
Alfred:I am not...
your friend.
I was your butler.
And you fired me.
He'll pay for the tea, miss.




Woman:And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage our host, Bruce Wayne.
Bruce:Good evening.
Welcome to the third annual dinner for the Thomas and Martha Wayne Foundation.
This year, we disbursed $4 million in...
Uh, we-we disbursed $4 million, and, uh...
My parents spent their lives helping people.
I was so proud of them, and I always wanted them to be proud of me.
And then I saw them get murder.
I survived because someone in my life kept me going He's been everything to me.
A teacher.
A protector.
He's been a father to me.
I hope...
I hope he can see that.
And give me another chance.
Thank you.
Alfred:Thank you.
That meant a great deal.
But I can't help you.
Not until you accept who you really are.
Bruce:I know who I am.
I've seen what's inside me.
Alfred:Darkness and anger.
But what's beneath that?
It's a heart that feels pain.
Your heart, it's what makes you want to help other people.
Your heart is your strength.
Deny the darkness and you deny that.
But accepting that is something that you must do on your own.
Do you understand me?
Bruce:I was stupid for reaching out.



Bruce:I'm getting you out of here.
Come on, let's go.
Alfred:Listen, listen.
People need your help.
This is who you are.



how'd you make it off the roof, then?
Bruce:A fire escape on the next building.
Alfred:Why'd you run from Gordon?
I mean, you could've told him it was you.
Bruce:I don't know.
I just...
I'm going to help people, Alfred.
And if that means accepting every part of myself, good and bad, then I will.
I do.
That's what my parents would have wanted.
Alfred:Your parents would be very proud of you.
I'm proud of you.
If you...
need a ride back to Gotham, I can drive you.
Alfred:Oh, I'm not going anywhere, sir.
I'm home.

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