




Gotham S4EP18 That's Entertainment

Bruce:You gonna tell me why we needed to come to the garage, Alfred?
Alfred:Happy birthday, Master Wayne.
Bruce:You remembered.
Alfred:Of course I remembered.
I bloody love your birthdays.
Your seventh was an absolute blinder.
Yeah, I remember you had about 50 kids come up here, but you were off outside, on your own.
You were obsessed by this one gift that your dad gave you...
This bright red wagon.
You were in the garden all day, collecting all these rocks.
When I asked you what you were gonna do with these rocks, you said, "I'm gonna build a home for my wagon.
A secret place that only I know about."

Bruce:What's this?
Alfred:Well, it's the reason why I brought you out to the garage, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Alfred, I don't know what to say.
Alfred:V-8, five liter, 460 horsepower engine.
Painted matte black, anti-reflective.
Very difficult to see at night.
Oh, and, of course, this.
100% bulletproof.
Best be prepared, eh?
Oh, mate.



Alfred:Happy birthday. A dear, Master B.
Happy birthday. To you.
I'll get some plates.
Selina:You know, for a billionaire, your security system is...lame.
Alfred:Miss Kyle.
Bruce:Thank you, Alfred.
Bruce:Thank you.
Selina:For what?
Bruce:Visiting me on my birthday.
I actually didn't know it was your birthday.
I just happened to be strolling in the neighborhood.
Bruce:Either way...
it's good to see you.
Selina:I knew it was an act.
Selina:The brat...
and the drinking, the-the friends.
It was an act.
Bruce:I think you're more sure about that than me.
Alfred: Master Bruce, we have visitors.
Jim:Bruce, we need your help.
Bruce:What happened?
Jerome:Don't you know it's rude to keep a guy waiting?
Bring me my hostages, James.
My trigger finger is getting itchy.
Jim:The hostages he wants are his brother...
and you.
Alfred:What, you have a laugh?
No bloody way.
Jim:I don't like it any more than you do.
But, Bruce, you have to trust me.
Lucius and I have a plan.
Jerome: You know what?
I don't think you're taking me seriously enough.
all right.
Let's see.
Eeny meeny miny moe, one of these people have got to...
Oh, it's that guy.
Oh, well.
Alfred:Did you see what just happened?
That man's a raving bloody lunatic.
He can't be trusted.
Selina:For once I agree with Alfred.
Jim:Bruce, listen to me.
With your help, we can prevent more deaths.
Bruce:What's the plan?
Jim:Jerome is using a shortwave radio trigger with a dead man's switch...
If we can cut the signal, he won't be able to activate the explosives.
Fox:This emits a powerful signal that disables all radio waves close to it.
Once within a few feet of Jerome's device, his trigger will be useless.
Jim:That will give us the time for the snipers to get a clean shot.

Bruce:If I wear this, that gives you time to take them out?
Alfred:Are you sure it's gonna work?
Fox:I'm positive.
99% positive.
Bruce: What are we waiting for?
Those people need our help.
Jim:Good man.

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