




Gotham S4EP19 To Our Deaths and Beyond

Barbara:Ra's just tried to kill me because of you.
Tabitha:You could've just given him the Demon's Paw.
It's the Demon's Head!
And it is mine!
You betrayed me.
Tabitha:I was trying to save you from yourself.
Also, the other day, you actually told your thugs to kill me.
Barbara:It was a spanking.
If I wanted you dead, I would've done it...
Selina:Oh, shut up, both of you!
Alfred:We're wasting time.
Ra's could be on his way right now.
Tabitha:Which wouldn't be a problem if Barbara would just give him what he wants.
Barbara:Never gonna happen.
Selina:Okay, so what are we gonna do, Barbara?
We're just gonna walk around with targets on our backs?
We're gonna kill the son of a bitch.
The kid did it before, right?
Alfred:Yeah, but that was different.
We had, like, a special Knife.
Barbara:Yeah, that one you got from auction?
Where is it?
Alfred:We gave it back to the Nanda Parbat embassy.
So we'll just do a little smash and grab, and then I'll filet the zombie.
Bruce:I have to be the one holding the Knife.
It's part of the ritual.
Like the blood.
I have to kill him again.
Alfred:Even if that's the case, Master Bruce, I can't allow you to do it, not again.
Bruce:We might not get another chance, Alfred.
This is the only way.
Barbara:Says you, the mystical Knife expert.
I've got the Demon's Head.
I bet if I'm holding it in my hand...
What if killing Ra's unlocks my powers?
Alfred:Yeah, and what if you fail, and Ra's gets the Knife back?
Bruce:We'll worry about who kills him later.
Right now, we have to get the Knife before Ra's does.
Tabitha: Embassies are heavily guarded, and we can't wait till night.
We're gonna need gun, smoke grenades to cause a diversion.
Alfred:If I may, there may be another option.
But you got to guarantee you're not gonna stab us in the back.



Alfred:So, in short, we'd like to thank you very much...
both of us would like to thank you for taking such good...
such good care of her, but now we'd like to take the Knife home, please.
It was never yours to begin with, Mr. Pennyworth.
It belongs to my people.
When Mr.Bruce Wayne purchased it at auction,

he was rescuing a looted historical treasure.
That's why you returned it to us.
Alfred:Yeah, but it was a loan, wasn't it, mate?
It was never meant as a keepsie.
Tabitha:This Knife is worth millions, and you just gave it away?
You idiot!
Alfred:Easy, muffin.
Look, you look like you got a stable head on your shoulders.
Why don't I make a little donation, and you give us the Knife.
And we walk away.
Man:Does Bruce Wayne even know about this?
Whatever your agenda is, I believe that you and your chippie should leave.
Alfred:A chippie?
Did you just call my missus a chippie?
What is that, like...
A chippie?
Is that a new term or something?
Tabitha: What?
What's happening?
Alfred: I can't breathe.
Tabitha:Oh, my God!
I think he's having a heart attack.
Alfred:I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!
Tabitha:He's having a heart attack!
Look what you did.
Man:Tell security it's a false alarm.
Alfred:I can't breathe.
Man:False alarm.
Alfred:I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!
Tabitha:Give me your jacket.
Put your jacket under his head.
Put your jacket.
Alfred:It really hurts.
It really, it really hurts.
Tabitha:You're okay.
Continue breathing.
Deep breaths.
All right, you're doing just fine.
Alfred:Ow, it really hurts.
Tabitha:Stay with me here.
Alfred:Oh, I feel much better now.
Sorry about the fuss.



Barbara:Well done.
Now, Knife, please.
Bruce:Selina, it has to be me.
Give me the Knife.
And you better scram while you still can.
Bruce:I'm taking the Knife.
Barbara:Oh, you do not want to make me angry, kid.
Tabitha:Sorry, muffin.
I'm gonna need you to step back.
Alfred:Don't you even go there, love.
Selina, don't give her the Knife.
Barbara:Screw this.
Alfred:Your arrogance is gonna get someone killed, you know.
Tabiyha:Or just you.
Barbara:Thank you.
Get in.
Tabitha:Selina, let's go.
Barbara:Nice doing business with you boys.



Alfred:I suppose on the bright side, you won't have to kill him...
Bruce:Except I'm the only one who can.
Alfred:So said Ra's.
I mean, no disrespect to your magical daggers and all of that, but I'd love to see what would happen if I pulled his head off his bloody shoulders.
Bruce:I can't believe Selina gave Barbara the Knife.
Alfred:Yeah, well...
at least we know where she stands.
Selina: That's what you think.
Alfred:Oh, you've got bloody cheek turning up here.
Sekina:I gave Barbara the Knife because if there was a chance she could use it, I wanted her to.
That way Bruce didn't have to kill him.
Bruce:I would've done what I had to do.
Selina:And you would've gone straight back to being the douche bag you've been the last few months.
So, no thank you.
Alfred:She's got a point there, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Thanks for the explanation.
You can leave now.
Bruce:You sided with them.
Sekina:Why does it have to be about sides?
There is somebody, some thing out there that needs to be stopped, so why can't we focus on that?
Alfred:Another good point.
Selina:Barbara and Tabitha are gonna get themselves killed.
And I don't want that to happen.

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