




Gotham S4EP22 No Man's Land

Alfred:You know, I don't know why I brought him here.
I should've killed him when I had the chance.
Jim:You did the right thing, Alfred.
Alfred:You say that.
You didn't see what he did to Selina.
I better get to the hospital.
Jim:I'll stop by when I can.



Alfred:Oh, Bullock?
Bullock, can you tell these punks to let us go, please?
Bullock:Major, the men escorting Gordon were attacked.
Your guys didn't see who.
I'm thinking it's either Valeska's cultists or...
Did you prepare Valeska like I asked?
Major:Mr. Wayne, you'll be perfectly safe.
If you can help us learn the location of the bomb...
Bruce: Major, you brought me here against my will.
I want to go back to the hospital and back to my friend.
Let's get this over with.



Alfred:All right, that's enough.
I want my boy out, mate.
Bruce:You said "he." Who do you mean?
The one who opened up my eyes, who showed me that everything I was doing was not to create a Gotham of my own, but yours.
The Gotham you need.
Your dark island.
And it will come to be, Bruce.
Bruce:Tell me his name.
Jeremiah:What did the doctor say?
Will the little bitch ever walk again?
What vertebrae did I sever?
I was hoping for the lumbar.
Bruce:Tell me his name!
Jeremiah:But you already know his name.
You're his heir.
Bruce:Ra's al Ghul.
No, it can't be.



Tabitha: By the time I got there, Jeremiah had already escaped.

Where the hell is Ra's al Ghul?
Let me guess.
Ra's helped Jeremiah kidnap Bruce, so you came to me to find Ra's.
Alfred:Would you care to tell me where he is?
Barbara:I don't know where he is.
But I know where he's gonna be.
Ra's is leaving Gotham tonight, after turning it to a pile of rubble.
With, I assume, Jeremiah's help, so here's the deal.
You get to kill Jeremiah, you get to rescue Bruce and I get to kill Ra's.
Alfred:And how do you plan on doing that, then?
Barbara:I got a little surprise for him.
Oswald: One question.
Who do I get to kill?
The only way to keep Butch on the table was to promise I would come help.
Don't we make quite the little gang?
Let's do this.




Bruce: Selina!
How is she?
Doctor:She did well in surgery, but the bullet severed her spinal cord.
And the damage is likely permanent.
Mr.Wayne, the hospital is shutting down.
This is the last ambulance leaving for the boats.
We have room for you, but we need to go.
Bruce:I can't leave, Alfred.
Ra's was right.
This is what I'm meant to do.
Alfred:The city's abandoned, Master Bruce.
There's nothing more you can do here, mate.
Bruce:Jeremiah's still out there.
Alfred:He is not your responsibility.
Gotham is not your responsibility.
Bruce:I'm making it mine.
Oh, sod it.
All right, fine.
We'll both stay.
I need to know Selina's gonna be okay.
Alfred:All right, I'll see that she's safe...
and then I'll come back and I will find you.
I promise.

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