




Gotham S5EP2 Trespassers

Bruce:How is she?
Alfred:Not great.
I mean, she hasn't said a peep since you've been gone.
You all right?
Did you find the witch?
Bruce:It was Ivy.
Alfred:What's that?
Bruce:Ivy said it could help Selina.
Alfred:What, and you trust her?

Bruce:What choice do I have?
Alfred:Listen, I want to help Selina as much as you,
but Ivy is a maniacal, cold-hearted killer.
You know that, don't you?

Selina:Give it to me.
Bruce:Selina, I have doubts.
Selina:Bruce, I was willing to kill myself yesterday.
Nothing's changed since then.
So if Ivy wants to kill me,
she can have at it.
What do I do, just swallow it?
Selina:Still here.
I know Ivy's lost her mind.
after her mom and dad died, she was just...
sleeping on the streets.
And it was a cold winter, and...
she started to get really sick.
So I...
took her under my wing, I guess,
showed her where to get food,
where to get a roof over her head.
And after some time,
she started to get color in her face.
And I just...
kept checking in on her.
Almost every day.
She may look old now, but...
she'll always be that little girl to me.
Bruce:No, no, no, Selina.


Bruce:Selina, stay with me.
Doctor:Stay back. Give us room.
Bruce:No, Selina.
Doctor:She's burning up.
Pulse is low. What happened?
Bruce:Oh, God, what have I done?
セリーナのStill here をうけてはふっと笑うアルフレッドがかわいい



Doctor:Whatever she took put her body into shock.
Her temperature skyrocketed.
Her WBC count was off the charts.
Then, two hours ago, everything stabilized.
I have no idea why.
She was still in a lot of pain, so we sedated her.
She's been sleeping for a while now.
I think it'd be best to come back in the morning.
Alfred:Thank you, Doctor.
Right. Master Bruce, I think we should, uh...
we should get some shut-eye.
Come on.

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