




Gotham S5EP6 Stitches

There you are.
So, go on, then.
How'd it go with Selina?
Oh, dear.
Well, I am sorry, Master Bruce, but perhaps it's for the best.
Bruce:Maybe. That's not why I called you here. You see this?
Alfred:Yeah, I know, right? Looks like Captain Gordon's finally

getting the help this city so desperately needs.
Bruce:Is he?
What the people desperately need is food and medicine.
Not just more guns.
What is it?
Alfred:No, it's just this unit.

Their motto is "Born of Blood."
Bruce:You know them?
Alfred:Yeah, by reputation only.
They're a horrible bunch of bastards.
They specialize in millitary coups, assassinations.
They're certainly not the vanguard for humanitarian relief.
Bruce:Excuse me.
When's the supply shipment gonna be here?
Bruce:These people are desperate for food, clean water, medicine.
Man:Oh, yeah. It's on its way.
Bruce:Where's Captain Gordon?
Man:We lost sight of Gordon.
But don't worry. Eduardo's out there looking for him right now.
Unless you know where we might find him?
Bruce:Logically, he'd come here.
Unless there's some reason he can't.
Man:Tell you what, kiddo.
I'm gonna find you and your friend a quiet place in the back

where you can wait for Gordon.
Alfred:Ah, don't you worry about it, mate.
We'll just catch up with him later.
Man:I insist.
Bruce:We need to find Jim.



Alfred:Can we speed things along, please, Mr. Fox?
Fox:The exhaust fans have to wind down before they can change directions.
If you throw the canisters in now, the gas will blow outside.
Bruce, status?
Bruce:One second.

I'm here. The box is open.
Fox:Two dark green wires right in front.
Attach those to the transmitter. The message will send.
Bruce:It's done.



Jim:Alvarez, take Lee to my office.
Be right there.
Bullock:I got to be honest with you, man.
I don't know how many more of these close calls this old heart can take.
Bruce:We were able to transmit the audio logs,

but until I hear back from my contacts, I won't know if they received them.
Jim:Well, if they did, probably have a lot of questions.
Bruce:We'll spend the night and help out.
Alfred can go back to the apartment and grab what you can?
Alfred:Certainly, Master Bruce.



You're supposed to be dead, mate.
Jeremia:Sorry to disappoint.
Alfred:You hurt my boy... and I will bite your face off.
Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremia:Ah... Bruce will be along shortly.
In the meantime...
This place is in desperate need of some good, old-fashioned butlering.
Alfred:How did you even find a way off the bloody island anyway?
One if by land, two if by sea, three if by digging a tunnel under the river.
But enough questions.
Today is the big day.

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