




Gotham S5EP7 Ace Chemicals

Bruce:Who are you?
Martha?:Well, look who decided to join us.
Thomas?:Hello, champ.
Alfred: Master Bruce!
Bruce:Alfred, how did you...
Alfred:Look at the state of you.
What have I told you about rolling around in the muck?
Bruce:Alfred, what's going on?
Who are these people?
Thomas?: Whatever do you mean, Bruce?
Martha?:We're your parents.
Alfred:Right. Well, let's get you spruced up.
After all, we have a guest.
Jeremia:Welcome home, Bruce.
Bruce:Jeremiah. You're alive.
Jeremia:Well, you didn't think Selina
could kill me so easily, did you?
I just had to put you off my scent
until I could finalize my... project.
Alfred:Manners, Master Bruce.
Let's not be rude to our guest.
Jeremia:Especially when I come bearing gifts.
Alfred: Oh, Mr. Jeremiah. A cake.
How exceedingly kind of you.
Is it Italian meringue?
Jeremia:Now, now, Bruce, you come any closer and I blow up Wayne Manor,

with all of us inside of it.
I have a dozen more of these, uh,
Italian meringues sprinkled all throughout the house.
Bruce:What did you do to Alfred?
And who are these people?
Jeremia:Ah, glad you asked. Mm, come.
Come, come.
Mommy and Daddy dearest were just an innocent couple I kidnapped based on...

bone structure and, um... build.
Just a touch of plastic surgery, and voilà...
Alfred I nabbed in the Green Zone.
Bruce:They're hypnotized.
Jeremia:Well, I'm afraid there was no room for improv in our script.
Today is a... very important day, Bruce.
Just look at the way they're dressed.
Bruce:It's the night my parents were killed.
Jeremia:And I'm giving you the chance to experience it all over again.
Jeremia:Isn't it obvious?
Bruce... this...this was the most important day of your life.
And I didn't get to be a part of it.
We need to rectify that.
Alfred. It's time for dinner.
Chop-chop. We're on a very tight schedule.
Alfred:Of course, Mr. Jeremiah.



Jeremia:Alfred told me such great tidbits about your childhood.
How you used to eat here, in the kitchen, when it was just you and the family.
My, how... homey and intimate.
Alfred:Grilled cheese and Branston pickle sandwich, Mr. Jeremiah.
Master Bruce's favorite.
My influence, though Thomas did add a dash of aioli for extra flair.
Jeremia:Oh. Come on, Bruce.
That's a weird favorite food for a -year-old.
Bruce:I'm playing your game.
Now let Alfred and these people go.
They're innocent.
Jeremia:I'm sorry, Bruce, it's just... it's very important to me that I get every detail exactly right.
Speaking of which... the final touch.
What was it like... losing your parents that night?
I lost my family, too, Bruce.
The wound still hasn't healed.
I... think about it often.
Bruce:None of this is real.
You're trying to manipulate me.
It will never be real.
Jeremia:But you are thinking about that night.
That's all I need.
I just want to be connected to you.
I offered for you to be my best friend!
But I've realized if we... can't be friends...then we can be connected in other ways.
Jeremia:You'll see.
In time.
I'm sorry to cut tonight short... but... your parents and I have a very important date...
Jeremia:with destiny.

Jeremia:You might want to find your faithful butler and leave.



Bruce: Alfred! Alfred!
Alfred. We need to get out of here.
Alfred:Ah, Master Bruce. I was just taking a quiet moment
to tidy up.

Bruce:We need to go.
The bombs.

Alfred:What bombs?
Bruce:These bombs.
Alfred:No need for roughhousing, sir.
Bruce:There has to be a way.
Alfred, you'd do anything to protect me, right?
Alfred:Absolutely, sir.

Bruce:There's a gas leak. In the kitchen.
It's only a matter of time before this whole place goes up.
Alfred:A gas leak? Where are your parents?
Where's our guest?

Bruce:I've already warned them.
I know a way out. Come on!
Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
Bruce:Don't move.
Do you, uh...?
Alfred:Oh, yeah, I remember everything.
Clear as day.
And let me tell you, if ever I see that Jervis Tetch character again I'll stick that watch
so far up his... his nose.
How about you?
You all right?
Bruce:Yeah, I'm all right.
But the manor...
Alfred:Don't you worry about that now, son.
Come on. Help me up.
Bruce:Oh, your leg's hurt.
Alfred:Yes, but it's not broken.
Bruce:I thought I lost you.
Never, Master Bruce.
Go on.
You know where he's gonna be at.



Selina:When I found Jeremiah, he had a bunch of crazies digging this tunnel for him.
Oswald:Well, that certainly fills me with confidence.
Selina:Whoa. You hear that?


What are you doing here?
And with that?
Oswald:I should ask you the same thing.
What's down that tunnel?
Alfred:Well, it was Wayne Manor till Jeremiah blew it up.
He sealed the only way out of Gotham.
Selina: No. J-Jeremiah is not alive.

I-I saw him die right here.
Alfred:Yeah, well, you're wrong.
We all were.
And now he's embarked on some madcap scheme

where he's reenacting the night Bruce's parents were killed.
Selina:Where's Bruce?
Alfred: He's gone after Jeremiah.
He could use your help.
Selina:Don't you think that because
I did not kill Jeremiah does not mean that I won't kill you.

Selina:You killed my friend Tabitha.
You deserve to die.

Just put the Knife down.
Bruce needs you.
Oswald:I suppose I should thank you.
Alfred:Or you could help me to the Green Zone.
Oswald:Of course. It's that way.

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