




Gotham S5EP8 Nothing's Shocking

Alfred:Can you please repeat your story for Mr. Wayne, madam?
Woman:We live in the shelter on West End.
There are so many of us crammed in there. Uh... so much uncertainty, fear.
And with the river poisoned, it should've been awful, but... people came together, made it a home.
Bruce:What happened?
Woman:Couple of weeks ago, we...heard rumors about something underneath the building...
...where it connects to the sewer.
Then people started going missing.
Hank, my husband, wanted to look for them.
Said we were a family.
Alfred:So the two of you went searching for them.
Woman:It was so dark.
I didn't see what attacked us.
I hit my head.
And when I woke up, Hank was gone.
Please, Mr. Wayne.
We have a daughter.
Bruce:We'll do everything we can.
Should we tell Gordon?
Alfred:He's stretched thin as it is.
Bruce:Alfred, we don't know who or what is down there.
Alfred:We know there's a man down there, in danger, and we know this lady sent for us.
So go on, then. What do you think we should do?
Bruce:Let's go find him.



Alfred:These basements run along Gotham's sewers.
The river is right next to it.
Bruce:You mean the river filled with Jeremiah's toxins?
Who knows what kind of damage these chemicals could do?
Alfred:Yeah, you're right.
Just don't you touch anything.
Hold on.
Bite marks.
Alfred:Well, it's no human I've ever seen.
Whatever it was...
...it dragged him that way.



Alfred:What is that?

We should head out.
My battery's dying.
Hank:Please. He's coming. He's coming.
Bruce:Who's coming? What happened?

Hank:He's going to kill me.
I barely got away.
Bruce:Are you Hank?

Alfred:Your wife sent us.
Is anyone else left alive down here?

Hank:They're all dead.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Hank! Hold on, Hank!



Alfred:Look at the size of it.
Bruce:Living down here, the toxins in the river must have driven him mad.

Get out of here! Now!
Monster:I'm sorry!

Alfred! Stop!
Monster:Stop. Stop...



Woman:Oh, Hank, thank God you're alive.
Bruce:The nurse thinks the man that attacked us will never recover.
The toxins in the river have done irreparable damage to his brain.
Alfred:I just think it's a shame we couldn't save the rest of the people who went missing,

Master Bruce.
Bruce:We should've went to Gordon from the start.

We were reckless.

Alfred:Ah, that's nonsense.
We took decisive action.

We saved a man's life.
The people in this city have suffered, Master Bruce.
They need someone that will protect them.
Bruce:I agree.
But there are better ways to find absolution.
Alfred:I, um, I don't follow.
Bruce:What happened to Wayne Manor wasn't your fault.
I know you've been blaming yourself.
You didn't destroy our home, Alfred.
Alfred:But I feel like I did.
I feel like I wasn't strong enough
to fight Tetch or that bastard Valeska.
I feel like because of my weakness, you lost your last tie to the past.
You lost your home, Master Bruce.
I must never be that weak again.
Bruce:Part of being a family is that we can be strong for each other.
Alfred:And when did you get so smart?
Bruce:I had a good teacher.

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