




Gotham S5EP10 I Am Bane
Selina:Found it.
Alfred:Ah, well done, Miss Kyle.
All right, let's have a look.
Uh, here we are.
Selina:Oh, so this guy's the architect who designed Wayne Manor?
Alfred:Yes, right.
With the reunification, a new Wayne Manor must follow.
Selina:And it'll be just like the old one?
Alfred:Oh, nothing is just like it was.
Selina:So why are we looking at the old plans?
Alfred:Perhaps I'm not ready to let go of the past.
Selina:Well, if it makes you feel better, I wish I could blow up my past.
Alfred:Well, maybe you will.
One day, when you build something new, the past will always be part of it.
As for me, now Master Bruce is grown, building a new manor might be my last great service to him.
A home.
Selina:And then what?
You retire?
I will stand guard, as I've always done.

Alfred:What the bloody hell happened?
Bullok:Seems that Jim's old army buddy wasn't quite as dead as we'd hoped.
I got squads covering the north side.
They're sweeping from Coventry down to Miller Harbor, but they could be anywhere.
Alfred:Well, give us an area to search
- and we'll get it covered.
Bullock:- Uh...
Take Reatton, work your way to South City Park.
Selina:Looks like you're not done protecting Bruce yet, Alfred.

Bruce:This is Bruce Wayne.
Does anyone at the GCPD read me?
This is Bruce Wayne. Can anyone read me?
Alfred:Bruce, it's Alfred.
Where the devil are you? Over.
Bruce:Some abandoned mansion in North Side Park.
Alfred:On my way.
I'll get out myself.
I need you to get to the clinic.
Alfred:The clinic?
Bruce:It's Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Alfred.
She wants revenge. She mutated Eduardo Dorrance
and sent him after Barbara.
Selina:Oh, gosh.
Bruce:I'll be fine.
I need you to get to Barbara and the baby.

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