




Gotham S5EP12 The Beginning...

Selina:So, this is Bruce's new Gotham.
I like the old one.
How wonderful to see you again.
It's been far, far too long.
Selina:Where is he?
Alfred:Well, I'm afraid travels abroad haven't increased
Master Bruce's respect for punctuality, Miss Kyle.
Selina:I came here to tell him to stop spying on me.
Alfred:I don't understand.
Selina:I was out the other night and I felt someone watching me.
I know it was Bruce.
Alfred:Oh, I see, right, well, that makes perfect sense.
So you come here tonight dressed to the nines to tell him that you want nothing more to do with him.
Is that the kind of gist of it?
Selina:He left, Alfred.
Everything we went through, and one day he's just gone.
He doesn't get to come back after ten years and act like nothing's happened.
Alfred:On this, we absolutely agree.
I do, however, feel it might be something that you want to tell him yourself.
Selina:He needs to stay away.

Fox:Alfred, when Bruce came to me the day he got back and told me what he was planning, I didn't hesitate.
I believe in what he's doing, but he's going to need some help.
Has he thought about telling Gordon?
Alfred:Lucius, my old friend, whoever Bruce decides to take on this journey with him,
it's his decision.
Our role... is to serve.

Alfred:Good evening, gentlemen.
Master Bruce sends his profound apologies.
He's otherwise engaged.
Jim:He's been busy a lot since he came back.
Alfred:Yes, indeed.
And I hear that you're retiring.
Jim:I may stick around a while yet.

Alfred:Yet in the darkness, there will be light.
That's what you promised Master Bruce all those years ago in the alley.
You saved him.
Gave him hope.

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